Ancient historical records about UFOs

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Ancient historical records about UFOs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the son Usayd Hudhayr see a cloud that resembles an amazing umbrella, and had never seen her before. The clouds look very beautifully decorated with items such as flashing lights hung, hung like lamps meet the horizon with a bright light.

Finally, the cloud is flying higher Usaid then disappeared the next day went and met Muhammad and told him what he had seen the night before, then Muhammad also said that, it was an angel who wants to listen Usayd read the Quran.

Ancient Hindu scripture, the Ramayana, describes the use of complicated flying machine, which then becomes the object of speculation about the BETA.

Roman writers, Iulius Obsequens, writes that in the year 99 BC, "in Tarquinia towards sunset, a round object, like a globe, a round or circular shield, flying in the sky from west to east".

On September 24, year 1235, General Yoritsune and his troops watched a strange glowing balls that flew with an irregular pattern in the night sky near Kyoto, Japan. General advisor told him not to worry - it's just the wind that causes the visible star wobble.

On 14 April 1561, the skies over Nuremberg, Germany, reported that the object is met by many seems to be doing battle in the air. According to the story, small balls and the discs came from a large tube.

Apparitions are usually connected as a supernatural phenomenon, angels, and other religious symbols. Some investigators believe these sightings as the appearance of strange objects in ancient times associated with reports of flying saucers in modern times

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